As-Salam u Alaykum !

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

"In the name of Allah" The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful“. In the Perfect world there are no Hardships and Struggles. Where Our people are not Hungry or Sick .In the Perfect World We live amongst one another Harmoniously.. but We live in a life where this is a Dream . Your Dream ..It's Our Dream .. it's the Life Mission of An-Noor Haiti

There are almost 7 billion people that reside within this world, yet we often feel alone and unconnected from one another. Allah gave us families, He gave us friends and He gave us colleagues. There is a deeper wisdom within these relationships. Each one is teaching us something about ourselves and our place in the world and their purpose within our lives.

Every one of us will at some point in our lives experience some type of hardship or pain that hurts us. Helping each other is a way to overcome grief that we may experience, and it can empower us in our worship to Allah. One of the greatest human beings to walk the earth and who was also the best example of compassion and kindness in human form, was the Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu alayhi wa sallam). He said:

“Whoever relieves a believer’s distress of the distressful aspects of this world, Allah will rescue him from a difficulty of the difficulties of the Hereafter. Whoever alleviates [the situation of] one in dire straits who cannot repay his debt, Allah will alleviate his lot in both this world and in the Hereafter. Whoever conceals [the faults of] a Muslim, Allah will conceal [his faults] in this life and the Hereafter. (Muslim) It is one of the principles of our faith to help our fellow human beings.

AnNoor Haiti was founded by Sister Amina K. Umar and Brother Muhammad Abdullah Tidjani[ Luckens Maurice] in February 2015. Amongst our travels through America,Haiti and the Dominican Republic our cause was created. We devoted our life mission to the will of Allah. We created this organization with determination that We could help save the world and bring Light back into the  hearts of the forgotten.

Organization Representatives of AnNoorHaiti in Haiti

Fabrisses CHARLES


Mohammad Abdullah T.

Markenson VALCOURT

Abdul Rahman

Jean Anthony








Organization Representatives of AnNoorHaiti in the United States

Amina UMAR